What happens if you don't let laminate flooring acclimate?

As the laminate acclimates to the humidity and temperature of the room, the fiberboard core gets used to the environment. Ignoring acclimation can cause the floor to bend, warp, or twist after installation.

What happens if you don't let laminate flooring acclimate?

As the laminate acclimates to the humidity and temperature of the room, the fiberboard core gets used to the environment. Ignoring acclimation can cause the floor to bend, warp, or twist after installation. Acclimation allows the plates to be unified in terms of temperature and humidity, identical to the conditions of the room in which they will be installed. Once acclimated, the plates will be uniformly conditioned and the closing system will not be visible affected.

So you can see why acclimation is so important. In fact, skipping the proper acclimation process will void the warranty. Either you can't wait to see the finished floor or, more realistically, you have a full “to-do” list to complete in a specific amount of time. Therefore, laminate floors need a little time to acclimate in your home.

before being installed. This is why it is essential to use laminate only in rooms where the temperature remains relatively constant. You'll need to choose a high-quality laminate from the start to ensure you get the best results. In general, for laminate to be a viable flooring option, the humidity level must be between 35 and 65% (relative humidity scale).

The most critical condition is that the indoor environment is stable and constant; acclimating and installing laminate flooring makes no sense in an open environment (i). Plan ahead so you can easily spend enough time for your soil to get used to its new environment and provide excellent performance for many years to come. Remember that if you are going to install laminate flooring other than Swiss Krono, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions on how to acclimate the product. In addition, the floor may be exposed to extreme conditions during shipping and storage in a store or warehouse.

While this swelling or shrinkage may be very mild, it could be enough to cause the closure systems, which would otherwise be tight, to bend or become hollow in the floor. It can be inconvenient to have a clear room for a week to leave room to properly acclimate the boxes of boards, but it will be worth the wait for that beautiful floor that you can't wait to see. In general, laminate should be installed in a room where the temperature is between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. It is simply the process of letting the laminate adapt to the temperature and humidity of a room before the installation.

Curt Brozell
Curt Brozell

Avid bacon trailblazer. Friendly beer fanatic. Certified beer nerd. Infuriatingly humble sushi buff. Hipster-friendly problem solver.

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