Does polish marble need to be sealed?

Yes, polished marble and polished marble need to be sealed. However, because polished marble is more porous, it needs to be sealed more often to prevent damage.

Does polish marble need to be sealed?

Yes, polished marble and polished marble need to be sealed. However, because polished marble is more porous, it needs to be sealed more often to prevent damage. Polished marble is slightly more resistant to stains, as its porosity has been reduced with many additional rounds of polishing. Now you have an idea of why some say that natural marble should be sealed and why others simply recommend a different material.

Actually, the answer to whether marble needs to be sealed depends on several factors; one of which is whether the stone has already been sealed. Other factors will also contribute to the response. But remember the statement quoted above: it makes sense to seal marble. Before considering sealing your tile, keep in mind that there is marble that doesn't need to be sealed. This is usually polished marble installed as larger slabs and not as individually cut tiles.

However, rough cut marble is much more porous than polished marble and may be a candidate for sealing. If you are not sure what marble you have, contact a professional, as they can test the absorption capacity of marble. Excellent stone sealant for shiny and polished surfaces, even if the stone has a higher absorption rate. While there are marble stone sealants that claim they can absorb moisture from tiles and grout, it's more of a shield than a solution, and you shouldn't risk it when there's damage.

In the end, knowing a little about the different types of marble sealant products and how the different types of marble finishes interact with the products will ensure the best long-term results. In addition, other techniques are sometimes used to decrease the porosity of a particular marble slab. But what if you're helping a customer whose heart is set on marble? Maybe they want it to be used for a shower, floor, or other surface in the house. Marble is a beautiful addition to a bathroom, and it's increasingly looking like custom tiles in showers or solid marble on bathroom countertops. This means that the best sealant for polished marble (sometimes referred to as marble with a matte finish) is one that is designed to be used with highly porous stone.

Tenax is a manufacturer of several cartridge-shaped products that are compatible with marble surfaces and are available through select distributors. An important consideration when deciding whether or not to seal a marble shower is that hard water stains are a common theme in bathrooms, especially showers and bathtubs. Sealing the tiles and grout will significantly extend the life of the marble shower and will make it much easier to clean and maintain. In addition, if the marble is not absorbent, it will not absorb the sealant and sealant it won't work.

Curt Brozell
Curt Brozell

Avid bacon trailblazer. Friendly beer fanatic. Certified beer nerd. Infuriatingly humble sushi buff. Hipster-friendly problem solver.

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